Health And Fitness – The Foundation For A Happy LifeHaving Good Health And Fitness Is Th …

It doesn’t mean eating liver or flipping tires for hours on end, but rather, regular physical activity, healthy eating and resting well.

Exercise can improve muscle strength and endurance, help control blood pressure, promote mobility and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity daily.

Exercise Guides

When people think of exercise, they may picture hours spent on the treadmill or a rigorous weight lifting routine. However, there are many ways to get and stay fit. Expert guidance helps you define measurable, realistic goals, and gives you the tools to stick with them.

Find out how to set up a workout that fits your unique needs and lifestyle, including tips on getting started, building consistency over time, and making healthy eating easier. Find tools like exercise logs and planners, as well as sample workouts and videos.

Learn what the latest exercise crazes can do for you—from TRX to pole dancing, Zumba and Kangoo jumps—and how they compare to more traditional options such as walking and swimming. Plus, find out what benchmarks are best for your age and health goals.

Learn how to improve your strength and flexibility with exercises such as lunges, pushups, squats and swimming, or try a new form of exercise such as tai chi, which is a “moving meditation” that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Remember to warm up before and stretch after endurance or strength training. And always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program. It’s important to start slowly and progress gradually, particularly if you have a condition that makes movement difficult.

Wellness Strategies

Incorporating wellness strategies into your life is an effective way to improve overall health and fitness. These strategies include eating healthy, getting adequate rest and sleep,


stress, and exercising regularly. Achieving long-term wellness requires incorporating all of these components.

For example, providing employees with access to on-site fitness facilities and subsidizing memberships can greatly enhance exercise participation. This helps eliminate common barriers like time constraints and commutes, which make it challenging to maintain an active lifestyle outside of work.

Another wellness strategy includes offering walking meetings or activity breaks, which help reduce sedentary behavior and the associated health risks. This also gives employees a regular opportunity to engage with coworkers in a social setting.

Developing an overall wellness program can take several years, but it’s important to develop a clear plan from the beginning. It’s helpful to have realistic goals for the first year, including building program awareness, determining what is popular and measuring any positive improvements in lifestyle change or decline in health risks. It’s equally important to establish a sustainable plan that can be adjusted as your needs and workplace environment change. These strategies can improve employee satisfaction and create a positive working culture for your company. The best part is that they’re easy to implement and will help your employees become more physically and emotionally fit.

Get Started Today

Health and fitness go hand in hand to help you live a happy and active life. And the biggest hurdle to getting started is just taking the first step. Start TODAY is the destination and community to help you do just that. It features expert health advice, walking challenges, workout routines and nutrition guides to support you every step of the way. It also offers you a chance to try the latest exercise crazes like TRX, Zumba and rebounding (aka trampolining).

Setting both short-term and long-term fitness goals can help keep you motivated, provide a roadmap to where you want to be and give you a sense of achievement along the way. Make sure that your goals are SMART, specific and measurable, and that you have a plan to achieve them. And, if you need an extra nudge, talk to a health and fitness professional for a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle.

Start TODAY has an extensive collection of walking challenges, yoga poses, exercises and healthy eating other workouts that you can do at home or outside, too. It also features classes at local gyms and fitness boutiques that can be a fun and social way to exercise. You can check out the schedules online and many offer new student or first class specials